Assessing Needs, Designing and Delivering Socio-sexual Education for Young People on the Autism Spectrum

The primary goal of education in sex and relationships is to promote relationships, sexual health and appropriate behaviour. It should assist young people on the autism spectrum in developing a positive view of sexuality, provide them with information they need to take care of their sexual health, make relationships, and help them acquire skills to make decisions now and in the future.

Sexual development is a multidimensional process, linked to the basic human needs of being liked and accepted, displaying and receiving affection, feeling valued and attractive, and sharing thoughts and feelings. It not only involves anatomy and physical functioning, but it also relates to sexual knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and values. Sexuality should be considered in a context that extends beyond genital sex to include gender-role socialisation, physical maturation and body image, social relationships, and future social aspirations. Key milestones of adolescent development include attaining an adult body capable of reproducing, having and maintaining intimate relationships, managing a range of complex emotions, and independently thinking and problem-solving.

The purpose of this course

The purpose of day 1 is to:

The purpose of day 2 is to:

The key content

Expected Outcomes

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