Push for Action

ESPA was pleased to host the National Autistic Society’s ‘Push for Action’ campaign in partnership with Autism in Mind, a local organisation based in Sunderland supporting families living with autism.

On the 22nd November the NAS arrived at The Croft Centre with their big red button that has been fondly named ‘Jenson’. Sunderland is just one of the locations across the country that was invited to host an event.

The garden at The Croft Centre was full of people that ESPA supports, family members from Autism in Mind and staff. Paul Shattock our Chairman and President of The World Autism Organisation, was invited to push the button but during the afternoon many people also had their opportunity to have their photograph taken with Jenson.

The Autism Strategy ‘Rewarding and Fulfilling Lives’ is presently undergoing a review and the campaign aims  to raise awareness of what has been achieved so far and what more still needs to be done.



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