Our Domiciliary Agency continues to grow

Over the past two years ESPA’s Domiciliary, Independent Supported Living and Community Enablement services have continued to grow especially across the North East. We now provide a diverse range of services to people living in their own tenancies, family home, University Halls of Residence and community.

The Agency now has two registered premises in Middlesbrough and Hylton Park.

Referrals and enquiries have come through a number of sources such as care managers, parents, NHS mental health services, and mini-tenders. This year we have been successful in gaining a place on the Framework Agreement with Durham, North Tyneside and Newcastle. We can now tender for services in these areas. Individuals and families who have a Direct Payment or Personal Budget can talk to us directly about how we can arrange support to meet their needs and expectations.

“Thanks to all those staff who are sensitive to my son and understand him well, who ‘walk with him’ as he develops and encourage him to enjoy his life and learn”.

“I am amazed at how well James is doing and feel so relieved that he is happy and so well; we all feel that this wouldn’t have been possible without ESPA’s excellent service”.

“He has developed into a confident, happy young man who looks well and clearly enjoys every aspect of his life”.

“Having chosen ESPA to support my son in adapting to independent living we felt that their excellent support was a great relief. ESPA developed a package of care for him, which was tailored around his needs. An excellent team of staff, which were carefully chosen to match James’ needs, was developed and continue to support him”.



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