Challenge Success for Carl

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A massive THANK YOU goes to Carl Zemlik for successfully completing his cycle challenge and raising almost £1300 for ESPA in the process!!  

London to Land’s End  ride24

At 9 am on Saturday 14th June, Carl Zemlik began a rather fantastic challenge…to cycle the 310 miles from Richmond in London to Land’s End in Cornwall. Months of dedicated training and a strong determination to complete this ride saw him reach his goal 23hours 55mins later at 8.55am Sunday.

The ride was organised by Action Challenge, as part of the RIDE 24 series, a UK based organisation which organises “inspirational adventures and challenge events” worldwide. 

Carl, a keen cyclist, chose this event physically challenge himself and provide a suitably awe inspiring opportunity to raise sponsorship for a charity he has a great person affiliation with… ESPA. Carl’s sister–in–law Natalie, and his 2 brothers-in –law, Nathan and Christian all live in specialist residential homes provided by Education and Services for People with Autism (ESPA)

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Some facts about Carl’s incredible achievement:


After crossing the finish line Carl said his first need was to take off his cycling shoes and walk barefoot on the grass, a feeling we all know although maybe not after 310 miles on a bike! And while the glass of complimentary champagne from the organisers at the finish was welcomed, even more delicious was the chilled bottle of lager his friend duly presented him with.

On behalf of ESPA we want to say WELL DONE CARL for a fantastic achievement – for the cycling, the sponsorship money you raised and for wearing your ESPA cycle jersey with pride and raising awareness of our charity. We also want to acknowledge the support from Carl’s family and friends, thank you.

While ESPA have not yet decided what the sponsorship money raised will be spent on,   we will promise to ensure that it makes a positive and direct impact on the lives of our service users.

If you would like to make a donation to support the work of ESPA please use the “Donate Now” button at the top of the page. Or if you are thinking of taking part in an event and would like to raise money for ESPA please contact to find out how ESPA can help you in your venture.



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